
To Odie's Website

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Hola World!

.....I hope you are having a great day.

This web site is for..........

It is for a place to mess around with web development and other web based projects. The site is made with php written by myself. I have a painter app that uses Javascript I did use help from a youtube video for that one. My plans are to set up a python app not sure for what yet also would like to get a database working correctly I have failed at this a couple times.



So besides doing computer stuff, I might use this place for pictures that I take or show projects going on in my life. Also I have links in pictures that might be useful or might be to mess with people I know.


Engineering Toolbox 4chan eBird Google Calender Libertarian U.S. Constitution Google Drive DaFont IMGBIN Gmail Bible GreatCoursesPlus Wikipedia AList WallBase/Haven Funimation ip Tracker ip lookup TTS
StackoverFlow PasteBin DeviantArt github Thingiverse Youtube Google Docs ArfCom A Maching Site Welding T&T Freeware
